Friday, April 27, 2007

Follow up on Sanofi-Pasteur avian flu vaccine.

The FDA has approved an avian flu vaccine for government stockpiling, such as we discussed in Human Technology Manufacturing Platforms. It is not being sold or distributed at this time, and it is not the PER C.6 based vaccine. It is the one grown in embryonated chicken eggs, (see paragraph 11 of the manufacturer’s label found here) and thus does not raise the moral problems associated with the one based on PER C6. The FDA approval is here:
  • Product Approval Information Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1

  • However, to quote the final paragraph of the document found here, “With the support of FDA, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and other government agencies, Sanofi-Pasteur and other manufacturers are working to develop a next generation of influenza vaccines for enhanced immune responses at lower doses, using technologies intended to boost the immune response.” That “next generation” vaccine is based on PER C6.

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